
MEA Attestation Services

The Ministry of External Affairs [MEA] attestation is essential for people who travel abroad for a job or higher studies. MEA document attestation is required right after the certificate attested from respective state HRD (Human Resource Department). The Ministry of External Affairs does the document attestation of type
1. Personal document(s)
2. Educational Document(s)
3. Commercial Document(s)

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MEA (Ministry of External Affairs) attestation is one of the important procedures in document attestation. People who are going or planning to go abroad for a job or higher studies need to submit certain documents for verification. The country that you are planning to go needs to know the originality of the documents. So, the country will ask you to attest the documents from their respective embassy in your home country. Before embassy attestation, the state authorities and the Ministry of External Affairs have to verify the document. Only after that, the embassy attestation takes place. The Ministry of External Affairs will attest the document verified by the respective state authorities.


MEA attestation is compulsory for the people who are seeking admission or employment in foreign countries. As per the Govt. rules, one need to provide necessary documents while applying for a job or admission in a school or university. MEA attestation stamp in a document proves the originality of that document in foreign countries. It is a mandatory phase in embassy attestation process. MEA attestation is needed for getting work permits, starting a new business or opening new branch of your business in other countries. It is mandatory for getting admission in foreign universities or schools. Other than that, MEA attestation is needed for sponsoring the spouse, for getting a family/residence visa or for migrating and settling in abroad.

Types of MEA Attestation

MEA Attestation

Demonstrates that a copy of an original document is a true copy , in case wherein an individual is planning to go abroad, the individual’s original documents need to be attested and to attest the same, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India (GOI), has given the power to various General Administrative Departments, State Home Departments, Higher Education Department or Sub-Divisional Magistrate, New Delhi, etc.

Authentication of documents: All original documents/copies requiring attestation or Apostille should be first authenticated by the designated authorities of the State/Union Territory from where the document has been issued. In case of personal documents, Home/General Administration Department of the concerned State Government/Union Territory are the designated authorities. In case of educational documents, the documents should first be authenticated by the Education Department of the concerned State Government/Union Territory. Commercial Documents are to be pre-authenticated by the respective Chambers of Commerce.

MEA Apostille

Apostille is the facilitated certification of public documents for their use globally and internationally in all nations that are a part of the Hague Convention’s Apostille Section. India, since 2005, is a member of the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961 that abolished the requirement of legalization of foreign public documents. Apostille is acceptable in 105 member-countries of the Convention (For more info please visit the website: www.hcch.net). Apostille is done for personal documents like birth/death/marriage certificates, Affidavits, Power of Attorney, etc. and educational documents like degree, diploma, matriculation and secondary level certificates etc. Any document Apostilled in one member country is acceptable in all the other 104 member-countries, signatory to the referred convention of 1961 thus greatly simplifying the process of attestation by making it needless to get the documents attested in each or for each of the countries separately.

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